Children with auditory processing disorders have difficulties recognizing subtle differences between sounds in words. It affects their ability to process spoken language. There are several kinds of auditory processing issues. The symptoms can range from mild to severe.

Auditory discrimination:

The ability to notice, compare and distinguish between (speech) sounds. For instance, the child doesn’t hear the difference between the words “cat” and “hat”.
Auditory discrimination can also result not knowing on which auditory input to focus, when in a noisy setting. For example when you call your child while it’s playing in a noisy playground, he or she doesn’t seem to hear you.

Auditory memory:

The ability to recall what you’ve heard, either immediately or when you need it later. It can be difficult for your child to remember what you’ve told him or her to do. For example when you say “brush your teeth and but on pyjamas”, the child doesn’t know what to do after he or she has brushed her teeth.

Auditory sequencing:

The ability to understand and recall the order of sounds and words. A child might say “melonade” instead of “lemonade” or hear the number 725 but write 572.

Common symptoms for children with auditory processing difficulties:

  • Poor musical ability
  • Easily distracted by background noise or sudden noises.
  • Find it hard to follow spoken directions, especially when there’s more than one direction
  • Often asks for repetition after someone has spoken, or often says “huh?” or “what?”
  • Difficulties following conversations
  • Having trouble remembering details
  • Difficulties learning songs or rhymes.